
신체 구조불균형이 미치는 영향 The impact of postural changes affects individuals

인체 구조적인 불균형은 정상관절의 역학을 변화시키게 되고 이런 변화와 그것을 보상하려는 작용은 행동의 제약을 가져오게 한다, 종종 이런변화는 잘 못느끼게 진행된다, 통증을 부지불식중에 피하거나 다른 근육의 역학을 이용하거나 해서 결국에는 건염 근육통, 활액낭염, 관절의 마모, 디스크에 불균등한압력을 주고 인대가 약해지게 된다.

Importance of Postural Change

The impact of postural changes affects individuals in different ways and at different rates. A person’s age, activity level, occupation and weight are just some of the factors that will help determine where and to what extent a person will be affected anatomically. What is certain is that a given individual is highly susceptible to specific symptoms. The process begins with an alteration of normal joint mechanics. This alteration, or compensatory reactions, leads to a decrease in movements.

Often these changes go unnoticed because the body unknowingly avoids the pain stimulus or the extra muscular demand. The mechanical changes eventually manifest themselves into a variety of pathologies and disorders if allowed to continue. These can include, but are not limited to, inflammatory responses to overstressed tendons and bursa, non-congruency of joints surfaces, unequal loading of the intervertebral discs, laxity of ligaments, muscle pain

강남역 카이로프랙틱 균형 기능운동과 3d입체 운동 및 필라테스 기구운동의 장점들을 모아 센터만의 노하우로 특화한 강남 카이로필라테스 본원 

Gangnam, Seoul, Korea south

Gangnam Health in Balance center(ChiroPilate)

Dr Andrew Park S Woo

AUS, U.S Chiropractic physician

Pilates fit/rehab

Golfer fitness TPI

Certified IBT(Integrated Balance tech)  


예약 문의 (Appointment call) 02-533-5124

Located at Gangnam subway exit 10, Center Plaza Bldg suite 710

(Opposite to Butter Finger Pancakes)

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