
강남척추교정특화운동,근막이완운동,바른움직임,강남골반교정,가동성퇴행방지운동, 자세박사 강의

강남 척추교정 코어강화특화운동 

관절 기능운동

강남 골반교정 PT

두통, 목어깨, 등, 허리 등 통증 운동

일자목 거북목

턱 얼굴비대칭 교정운동

숨은 키 성장 Inch Up 


강남 가동성 센터 

휜다리 교정운동

강남 카이로프랙틱 자세박사 특강

 U.S and AUS Chiropractor's Lecture Seoul for the company and schools, organization foreign community in korea south.  Theme of Posture is the window to your spine and Must have items as stressors can affect our spinal health. How to control that and maintain our balanced health in the office.

Our Gangnam Health in Balance Center 

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Gangnam Health in Balance Center 

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